What happened?
How the hell did I end up back in Sydney?
Such a blur...
After months of preparation, planning, and expectation, I finally moved to Brisbane. YAY!
Got hit by fines that were waiting in the wings, couldn't get a job for a month. What savings I had disappeared. Little worried.
Got a high paying night shift job, and an expensive place to rent. Little disappointed, but was finally feeling that the earth beneath my feet was solid.
Managers at work said that I'm doing great and I'll have a full-time position and proper pay in no time. Life was good (except that I was working nights, which sucked balls and played hell with my social calender, but there was a lovely girl who helped make those rare times a blast, as well as a great family and a couple of other awesome people I called friends.)
Wish Coin Studios and Modern Day blog were founded and everyone around me was extremely supportive and helpful. I was feeling grand, but I was also missing everyone back in Sydney.
The managers at work said to me on night, "Daniel, your not working hard enough, you've got a week to turn it around"... W. T. F!?!?! I was so confused, it came out of no where. A week before one of the managers said "It's great having you here Dan," so good that it's too good? I worked my ass off. Freaking out!
Now they said that the store manager would be in to take my final assessment, to see how hard I worked, to see how well I got on with everyone. That was what was supposed to happen. What actually happened was I came in on my last night, ready to impress, and was politely told that I wasn't on tonight, last night was my last night (btw, the store manager didn't come in that night either, neither did my immediate manager). And that was it. Good bye, thanks for everything, can we have your Discount card back?
...oh no.
Though Jess offered to put me up, the fact was I had no immediate savings, no income, no ability to pay rent, meaning no place to live, meaning it was going to be impossible for me to get set up again. Oh, and a funny story, I went to the property agents and asked if I could have the lease terminated as I had no money for food, let alone rent. They said that to do that I had to pay rent till they got a new tenant in or the lease expired (which ever came first) and then pay ANOTHER $210 on top of that, and I don't know about you, but if someone was broke, I would totally be asking them for more money as well.
And it was so, I was left with no choice but to return, defeated, to Sydney, leaving behind a loving girlfriend, a great troupe of friends, and my hopes of living in Brisbane.
In one week, almost 2 years of preparation, planning and waiting was ruined. So here I am, only now able to tell my bewildering story of what happened, slowly rebuilding myself, waiting for 2008, the year that destroyed me, to end so I can move onto 2009, the year of "what the fuck do I do now?"
Luckily, I'm beginning to have a vague idea of what I'm gonna do, though I don't think I'll try planning anything again... ever, seeing as how quickly they can go ass up.
The lesson to learn this Modern Day is never plan anything.
Got it?
Next entry, I'll be back to solving usless problems, or atleast yelling at them till they feel bad. I'm really good at that.
Love youse all!